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Our mission:

To offer our customers warehousing services, packaging changes, transports, reworks and selections 100% in line with their expectations and respecting the environment.


To become a benchmark as an auxiliary company with a long-term criterion for our customers, both for the quality of its services and its respect for the environment.


Customer focus
Technical and productive capacity
Knowledge of the conditions of the sector

IMPROVING’s Integrated Quality and Environmental Policy is contained in this document, publishing in it that the MANAGEMENT has been taking positive action to demonstrate the company’s ability to meet customer requirements and to carry out an adequate environmental management, based on:

  • The fulfillment of the needs of the interested parties.
  • The economic progress of the organization and
  • The social and human progress of its personnel and the environment.

To achieve the development of the above, the MANAGEMENT assumes the following commitments, making them public both internally and externally. IMPROVING is committed to:

  1. Maintain up to date a Quality and Environmental System to demonstrate its ability to meet the requirements of our most important asset, its staff and its customers.
  2. Know and comply with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements, as well as those to which the organization subscribes voluntarily, verifying that all interested parties comply with these requirements and establishing the necessary mechanisms to do so, continuously improving the Integrated Management System.
  3. Providing the system with an organized structure, according to the requirements of each moment, with the necessary and adequate resources to carry out its commitment to quality and the environment.
  4. Through the identification of objectives and their revision, to keep within the path of continuous improvement, in order to improve productivity, stimulate creativity, initiative and the sense of responsibility of our staff.
  5. Identify the current and future needs of our customers and other stakeholders, fostering relationships with them, satisfying their requirements and making an effort to meet their expectations, offering the best solutions through internationally recognized models.
  6. To guarantee the security of the information we have and use in our activity to all interested parties.
  7. Ensure the security of the facilities and products we store throughout our value chain and foster a culture of physical and food safety throughout the organization. Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and awareness of food safety hazards through the availability of sufficient training and resources for workers.
  8. Plan prevention by integrating it with technical, work organization, social relations and the influence of environmental factors at work, while providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and health deterioration.
  9. To achieve sustainable growth, minimizing and evaluating the environmental impacts that may be caused by our activity in order to prevent, eliminate or reduce them. Protect the environment through a sustainable use of natural resources and efficient use of energy, optimizing the use of raw materials and promoting waste reduction, reuse and recycling practices, mitigating climate change and protecting biodiversity and ecosystems.
  10. Involve, motivate, train and inform all the organization’s personnel and interested parties so that they become involved in Occupational Health and Safety, Quality, Environment, as well as providing the necessary information and resources to achieve the planned objectives.
  11. To invite to the commitment to each and every one of the people who belong to the organization, and to its suppliers; to collaborate with honesty in the achievement of this Policy and in the objectives that derive from it.

April 2023